Sometimes life can throw a wrench in the middle of all our comings and goings and make us take pause. Type 1 Diabetes for my 6 year old granddaughter has been our wrench but after all the crying and fist shaking at the fates, it is time to move on with life, absorb the changes, do the best we can and then . . . have fun.
Our first craft project in the new studio was to add some bling to the bracelet-

and then we painted. Such joy a few blobs of paint can bring!

While watching her paint yesterday in a tiny spot in a very messy studio I am inspired to finally get busy turning it into the creative hideaway I originally planned many months ago (and one of the reasons we bought the new house).
I am still in awe of this saying I found taped to the wall next the girls' bedroom here. It is a copy of what got me through the whole house buying palooza. (see September 2010 post) It was made by the oldest granddaughter who is 9 1/2. I asked her what she wants to do and needs courage for and she replied that she wants to be a writer! To that end, her first book has been published through a class project and titled 'Silly Jenny' and she dedicated it to her sister. It is a sweet, hard cover book of her very own and she is more inspired that ever! (I'll get a photo the cover next week)

We never know how our actions affect those around us but this was a good reminder that we need to be positive and kind in a world that seems to be fast falling apart. In a child's eyes, the world is still an oyster just waiting to be opened. As people of this world, we need to do everything we can to make sure there is a pearl in there waiting for them.
While they are away on Spring Break I'll be decorating two alcoves in the studio just for them. Pictures tomorrow of the 'before' studio clean up, pictures of the new goat babies, new links, new book lists . . .